

Figurine modelling

3 Lessons

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This course will help you build essential figurine modelling skills. Starting from scratch, understanding the consumables, equipment, tools, and basic modelling methods will lead you to guaranteed success. Your qualified instructor will get you through all stages and break the subject into easy-to-follow steps. Firstly, you'll learn what consumables, equipment, and tools are essential to prepare when you decide to start creating figurines and how each will help you achieve the desired outcome. The next step in the process will be to start shaping the elements of the body: head, body, and limbs. Those basic methods will be the building blocks of this skill, and you'll always use them even when reaching an advanced stage. You will continue the course by learning how to make and apply small decorations and noticing how they can add personality and charm to your creations. Towards the end of the course, your instructor will share tips on how to speed up improving your skills and recommend efficient ways to elevate them to get you ready for the next level. Practising hand modelling consistently is essential. Gaining reasonable pressure control is required to obtain a smooth and clean finish. It will give your figurines the so-called professional look. Remember, every practising session will help you reach your goal quicker! So let's start right now!

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A complete list of recommended equipment, tools & consumables is available as a resource and can be downloaded. Disclaimer: If you buy any products using the links provided on the attached list of consumables, tools and equipment recommended, we will receive a small commission which will not affect in any way your purchase price

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Here is an easy way for making chocolate modelling paste

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